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Version: AT2 v2.4

Getting started

Your Device needs to be registered on a LoRaWAN™ network

  • Your LoRaWAN™ network provider can use one of the two activation modes:
    • OTAA (Over The Air Activation): This mode requires the following keys to join the network: DEVEUI, APPEUI and APPKEY for each device. (It is the one mostly used and trackers shipped by default are in this mode)
    • ABP (Activation by personalization): This mode requires the following keys to connect to the network: DEVEUI, DEVADDR, NWKSKEY and APPSKEY
  • Depending on your operator, some actions need to be done to activate the transfer of the data through Abeeway servers. Please refer to your LoRaWAN™ network provider for more information.

The application firmware will start as soon as LoRaWAN™ join is successfully done.


The provided trackers are in OTA configuration only. It can't be changed by configuration. If you need trackers working in ABP please refer to your local distributor or Abeeway support if you purchased the trackers from Actility/Abeeway.

LoRaWAN transmission

The following regions can be supported by Abeeway trackers

  • EU868
  • AS923
  • IN865
  • RU864
  • US915
  • AU915

For more details about LoRaWAN transmission strategies and how to adapt them, refer to the application note AN-002_LoRa_Transmission_strategy


In EU 868 the optional data rate DR6 and DR7 (SF7BW250 and FSK50) are not supported