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Version: AT2 v2.3

Devices characteristics

FunctionMicroBadgeCompactIndustrialRequired interface
Shipping modeXXXNAButton or reed switch
Operating modesOFFXX(1)NAButton or reed switch acting like a button
Motion trackingXXXX
Permanent trackingXXXX
Motion start/endXXXX
Activity modeXXXX
Side operating modesPeriodic positions reportingXXXX
Activity modeXXXX
Activity modeXXXX
Alert positionXX(1)NAButton or reed switch acting like a button
Periodic activity reportingXXXX
Collection payloadsXXXX
proximity featureXXXX
BLE geozoningXXXX
BLE beaconingXXXX
default and dynamic profilesXXXX
SOSusing the buttonXX(1)NAButton or reed switch acting like a button
using a downlinkXXXX
Low battery managementXXNANARechargeable battery
Temperature monitoringXXXX
shock detectionXXXX
Battery monitoringXXXX
Motion sensitivityXXXX

(1) Refer to the section Reed switch interface for reed switch interface explanation.

Interface/components embedded on the trackers:

User interfaceButtonXX
LEDs (white charging LED and bicolor LEDXX(1)(1)
Reed switchX
Rechargeable battery450 mAh1300 mAh
Primary battery8000 mAh19000 mAh(2)

(1) LEDs inside the casing can only be used for tests.

(2) 13000mAh for US and AS regions

In most cases, features using BLE can be used in parallel. However, there are features which should not be used be used simultaneously.

Une image contenant table Description générée

  1. While the tracker is BLE connected with Abeeway Mobile app, none of the above features are available.
  2. If too many features are used in parallel this can lead to a delay in the LoRa transmission due to dwell time/duty cycle restrictions. The periodicity and the length of the payloads generated by the tracker need to be studied to ensure that it is adequate for LoRa technology. Please refer to application note AN-002_LoRa_Transmission_strategy on how to configure the tracker transmission strategy. It is also important that the LoRaWAN network is deployed to accommodate the traffic generated by the trackers.