Using the graphical interface
The devices and base stations management portal consists of an intuitive user interface. This page shows some useful tips to explore all the handy features offered by this graphical interface.
- Editable fields are displayed with grey background.
- Text colored in duck blue, as well as colored
badges such as
are clickable links. Clicking them redirects to the underlying object or object list.
Top bar area
Main actions accessible from the top bar menu:
The Refresh button allows you to reload the page and refresh its content.
The Search button allows you to search objects under the Devices, Base Stations or Connections category.
- This search is case-insensitive, but it is single-valued and relies on a prefix match.
- Devices can either be searched by their name or DevEUI unique identifier.
- Base stations can be searched by their name, LRR-UUID or LRR-ID.
tipYou may use % as wildcard character to search in the middle of a string. This wildcard currently works for searching devices and base stations. It does not apply to connections.
The Notifications button provides a counter and a preview of new notifications. It also provides access to the notifications list. To learn more, see Device management notifications.
The Help button redirects you to specific ThingPark user documentation including links to other ThingPark tools.
The My Account button allows you to view under which username you are logged in to the platform. You can also use this button to log out. My Profile allows you to change your data and view your role(s). To learn more, see Editing your user profile.
Main dashboard
After logging in to the device and base station management portal, the user interface displays the main dashboard. It provides an overview of the health status of your things.
The BASE STATIONS widget shows the total number of base stations, with a breakdown per health state. To learn more about the meaning of each state, see BS health states.
The DEVICES widget shows the total number of devices provisioned under this subscriber's account, with a breakdown per health state. To learn more about the meaning of each state, see Device health states.
The CONNECTIONS widget lists the status of each connection to external IoT applications, together with the number of devices associated with it. To learn more about the different connection states, see Connection states.
The RECENT ALARMS widget shows the top 10 most recent alarms having the highest severity that have not been acknowledged. To learn more about alarm severity and acknowledgment, see Device alarms and Base station alarms.
Clicking the widget's title directly takes you to the list view of the related things.
Clicking a colored number or colored sector directly takes you to the list, filtered by the selected health state.
Clicking the + button at the top-right of the widget provides quick access to create new objects.
Personal dashboard
The widget on the top of the main dashboard page redirects you to your personal dashboard. The dashboard is available only in SaaS mode.
It allows you to view all uplink/downlink activities of your IoT network that you want to monitor. You can configure each widget of the dashboard by clicking on the header icon of the widget.