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Filtering devices

You can use filters to restrict the number of devices you want to display on the List or Map tab.

Filters criteria and selection are the same in both tabs. Your filter selection is saved in your web browser and applies to the same computer.

  1. In the left panel, select Devices.

    You can also select from the dashboard an existing list you want to change. For more information, see Using the device dashboard.

    -> The List tab opens displaying Add filter or Active filters according to the device list you have opened.

  2. Select the Map or List tab according to the view you want to display your result.

  3. If Active filters is displayed:

    • To clear all active values of a same filter, click the filter cross .

    • To delete all active filters, click Clear all.

    • To edit the active filters, click Edit filters.

  4. If no filter is active, click Add filter.

  5. In the Filter devices dialog box that opens, restrict your search using the filters you want.

Filter by name or DevEUI... (device identifiers)Single-valued search by name or DevEUI. The search is case-insensitive, it supports prefix match as well as wildcard by % character to search within a string. Tips You can copy and paste a DevEUI you get from the traffic shown by Wireless Logger application to investigate further a device.
Health stateActive, Initialization, Connection Error. To learn more, click Devices health states. At least, one value must be applied.
BatteryAll or one specific device battery level. Devices with not known battery level or using external power are found by selecting All.
TagsAutosuggestion of existing tags of your devices fleet. Multiple tags allowed. Retrieves devices associated with one of the specified tags. See Tagging devices
DomainsOnly display devices associated with one of the specified domains. This filter is only available if the permission segregation based on domains has been enabled by an Administrator user. See About domains for more details.
Minimum alarm severityRetrieves devices having at least one active and non-acknowledged alarm with severity equal to the selected severity or higher. For more information about device alarms and their severity, see About device alarms.
Network geolocationRetrieves devices having the network geolocation Activated or Not activated. This filter is only available if Connectivity Plans is not displayed in the main menu.
RoamingRetrieves devices having the roaming Activated or Not activated. This filter is only available if Connectivity Plans is not displayed in the main menu.
Connectivity planAll or one specific connectivity plan of the list associated with your devices fleet. This filter is only available if Connectivity Plans is displayed in the main menu.
  1. Click Apply.

  2. (Optional) If you want to display your result in another view, click the Map or List tab.

    -> The active filters stay the same.