Managing devices
This topic explains how to commission devices in the LoRaWAN® network, and to enable or disable the network geolocation of a device.
If you are entitled to a viewer-only role or to a Base Stations Manager role, then you can only view the results of the activation of your devices to your IoT network.
ThingPark supports all Classes of LoRaWAN® devices.
ThingPark supports both Over-the-Air Activation (OTAA) and Activation By Personalization (ABP). OTAA is the preferred and most secure way to connect devices to the network. Devices perform a Join-procedure with the network, during which a dynamic DevAddr is assigned and session keys are generated. To learn more, click Activation modes.
The tasks are the following:
Modifying the parameters of the device, such as model, class, name and additional information.
Duplicating the device to quickly provision a device by using an existing device as a template: the same vendor, model, JoinEUI (AppEUI), additional information, application and the same location are automatically selected.
Deleting the device from the LoRaWAN® Network Server.
Sending downlink packets to the device.
Monitoring the connection status of the device and RF signal quality, view network activity's recent history.
Managing associated connections.
Updating the device location.
Determining which base stations receive the device signal.