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Editing the base station's alarm settings

Configuring the BS alarm #103

The base station's alarm #103 allows notifying the BS administrator when the BS has not received any valid uplink packets during a configurable time window. Valid uplink packets are packets successfully demodulated by the base station, with CRC-OK status. To learn more about this alarm, see Unusually low uplink traffic level.

You may configure two different severities according to the no-activity duration. For example, trigger the alarm with WARNING severity after 1 hour of inactivity, and increase the severity to MAJOR after 2 hours of inactivity.


The "Unusually low uplink traffic level" alarm is not supported by base stations using Semtech's Basics Station packet forwarder.

  1. In the left panel, select Base Stations.

  2. Select the base station you want to edit. You may search it by its name or ID.

  3. Select the Advanced tab, and go to ALARMS SETTINGS.

  4. In Low Uplink Activity Alarm Thresholds, check the Threshold 1, select an inactivity period in the Condition and configure the Severity. Optionally, you can also check the Threshold 2 and configure it the same way.

    -> A confirmation notification displays on your screen.

Routing BS alarms to external IoT applications

You can enable the notification of base station alarms via the connections toward external IoT applications.

To do so:

  1. Verify that the notification of BS alarms is already enabled on the connection you want to use, otherwise add it as described in Enabling the notification of base station alarms on a connection.

  2. Associate your base station with one or several connections to receive BS alarm notifications:

    1. Select the base station you want to edit. You may search it by its name or ID.

    2. Select the Advanced tab, and go to ALARMS SETTINGS.

    -> In Alarm Notification, the list of connections currently associated with the base station for alarms notification is displayed.

    • You can add a new connection by clicking on the ADD A CONNECTION button. The list contains all the connections not already associated with the base station for which the notification of base station alarms is enabled. The button is disabled if no more connections are available.

    • You can also edit an existing connection to replace it with another one, or delete an existing connection.

    • A connection is highlighted in orange when the notification of base station alarms has been disabled on the connection. In this case base station alarms are no more notified via this connection. You need to either enable the notification of base station alarms on the connection or delete it.

    1. Confirm your changes.

    -> A confirmation notification displays on your screen.

A notification will be sent to the connection in the following situations:

  • An alarm is triggered for the associated base station.
  • The severity of an alarm increases or decreases for the associated base station.
  • An alarm is cleared for the associated base station.