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ThingPark Enterprise SaaS changelog

This page references all the changes included in ThingPark Enterprise SaaS release 8.0, split per maintenance release version.

It includes new features, technical improvements and issues (bugs) resolved. More details about new features and technical improvements are also available in New features and Other technical improvements sections.

Release 8.0.3

New features


Other technical improvements

RDTP-23755[Passive roaming] sNS must report the DevEUI in PRStartAns for all result codes.

Resolved issues

RDTP-23796DESC : Xoocc counters show constant increase until LRC restart.
FIX: Fix on libmicrohttp handling when treating huge amount of AS downlinks.
RDTP-23787DESC : Log level change need for some error log from LRCs.
FIX: Change from error to warning log level when lrrid=xxxxxxxx already used on lk=0xxxxxxxxxxxxx fd=xx is raised.
RDTP-24036DESC : [Basics Station] lns-bridge does not relay multicast downlink when payload is too big.
FIX: Multicast downlink is now possible whatever the size as long as it is below the limits imposed by the spreading factor.
RDTP-23841DESC : [Basics Station] Software version shows 0.0.0 instead of empty column for a basics station.
FIX: Version 0.0.0 has been removed and an empty value is now presented.
RDTP-23826DESC : [Basics Station] Wrong downlink timestamp when packet is too late for RX1 & RX2.
FIX: Correct timestamp is now displayed.
RDTP-23826DESC : lrc-binding-http logs are set to debug as default level.
FIX: Modify the default level to error.
RDTP-23034DESC : Sometimes a device deletion may fail.
FIX: Prevent database data corruption.
RDTP-23861DESC : TPE is unable to retrieve all connections when one doesn't exist.
FIX: Allow retrieving all connections with health state in error for connections that are inconsistent.
RDTP-23803DESC : TWA application is killed by the system consequently to a memory leak.
FIX: Migrate to OpenJDK framework to stabilize the memory consumption.
RDTP-24021DESC : RF region for Tektelic Mega64: radio cannot start with US915_1-channels with 2 antennas.
FIX: Correct the bug in rfregtool version 1.1.25.
RDTP-21977DESC : [LoRaWAN relays] When a downlink packet cannot be sent for an end-device via a relay because of the maximum payload size constraint, there is currently no delivery failure indication reported to AS nor visible in Wireless Logger at end-device level.
FIX: The delivery failure indication is now properly reported to AS/Wlogger.
RDTP-23830DESC : When the user changes the LRR support password during the base station provisioning, the new password is not properly stored by the system.
FIX: The password is now properly (and securely) stored in the database.

Known issues and limitations

RDTP-23489[LoRaWAN relays] Endless Request/Answer loops in case of command rejection.

Release 8.0.2

New features

RDTP-22321LRR support password personalization from the GUI

Other technical improvements

RDTP-22608All the MAC commands corresponding to the LoRaWAN relay protocol are displayed in decoded format in Wireless Logger, including the CtrlUplinkListReq/Ans MAC command pair.

Resolved issues

RDTP-23439DESC : [LoRaWAN relays] LRC does not send the “RootWorSKey” to the relay after rejoining.
FIX: LRC considers that the relay resets the TrusedEndDeviceList after rejoining, then resends the devices' root keys when requested by the relay.
RDTP-23385DESC : Email address does not accept apostrophe.
FIX: Email address can now be written with an apostrophe, as per RFC 3696.
RDTP-23574DESC : Keycloak and Abeeway device manager services are not available during platform maintenance.
FIX: Allow access to Keycloak and Abeeway device manager services during maintenance.
RDTP-23429DESC : When the downlink duty cycle limit is reached on the base station(s), the network server immediately reports an empty DL packet to WLogger/AS, with failure cause "DA", even if there is no DL packet to send to the device.
FIX: No DL failure is wrongly reported on WLogger. Additionally, the downlink duty cycle is now correctly treated on LRC side.
RDTP-23585DESC : [FULL FIX] Base station provisioning hit 500 Internal Server Error.
FIX: All component like certificate and archive are now correctly deleted to allow the base station to be reprovisioned.
RDTP-23582DESC : The export button shows wrong display of the labels at served devices widget level ( base station dashboard ).
FIX: Labels have been corrected.
RDTP-23332DESC : Device mass import fails if several deviceProfile with the same ThingparkID exist.
FIX: Device mass import is now successful as only the visible deviceProfile is selected. The ThingParkID unicity is enforced, making it case insensitive.
RDTP-23303DESC : TWA application stop working when HSM is unreachable.
FIX: TWA application remains up even if HSM may be unreachable, but returns an error if HSM is required for some operations.
RDTP-22858DESC : The device marker is no more visible in wlogger maps.
FIX: As Google API is deprecated and return a 404 Not found response, we place instead a png marker image.
RDTP-23406DESC : DX-ADMIN API should not mandate the preferred_username in validate_token endpoint.
FIX: If preferred_username is not present, DX-ADMIN won’t raise exception anymore.

Known issues and limitations

RDTP-21977[LoRaWAN relays] When a downlink packet cannot be sent for an end-device via a relay because of the maximum payload size constraint, there is currently no delivery failure indication reported to AS nor visible in Wireless Logger at end-device level. This issue shall be fixed in the next release.
RDTP-23489[LoRaWAN relays] Endless Request/Answer loops in case of command rejection.
RDTP-23830When the user changes the LRR support password during the base station provisioning, the new password is not properly stored by the system. Therefore, the user is asked to manually enter it to remotely access the base station.
The workaround is go to the "Advanced" tab of the BS details and reenter the new support password in the "Remote Access" widget.

Release 8.0.1

New features


Other technical improvements

RDTP-23183Add a warning in the user interface about the required RF coverage overlapping when activating network-based geolocation feature.

Resolved issues

RDTP-23521DESC : Generating core manually create defunct processes still attached to LRC process.
FIX: Prevent core generation to create defunct processes.
RDTP-22238DESC : Map view of device/BS list does not switch to full screen when using “search this area”.
FIX: When using “search this area” functionality, we now switch to full screen.
RDTP-20355DESC : Wrong decimal precision for BS backhaul statistics graphs.
FIX: Limit decimal precision to two digits.

Known issues and limitations

RDTP-21977[LoRaWAN relays] When a downlink packet cannot be sent for an end-device via a relay because of the maximum payload size constraint, there is currently no delivery failure indication reported to AS nor visible in Wireless Logger at end-device level. This issue shall be fixed in the next release.
RDTP-23489[LoRaWAN relays] Endless Request/Answer loops in case of command rejection.
RDTP-23439[LoRaWAN relays] LRC should send the RootWorSKey to the relay after rejoining.

Release 8.0.0

New features

RDTP-11863Enriched configuration of Basic HTTPS connections
RDTP-17339Improved monitoring of the device's battery history
RDTP-16304Device management UI/UX enhancements
RDTP-19650Allow managing domains, user accounts and service accounts through API
RDTP-22478Use of distroless containers
RDTP-21595OS upgrade to AlmaLinux 9
RDTP-17092Federated authentication
RDTP-11865Support public connections predefined by Actility

Other technical improvements

RDTP-17092Ability to lock/unlock user accounts and service accounts by an administrator.
RDTP-19911Upgrade MongoDB to version 7.0.5.
RDTP-22298Upgrade MariaDB to version 10.11.
RDTP-22299Upgrade Kafka to version 3.7.0.
RDTP-22614Upgrade zookeeper to version 3.4.6.
RDTP-22437Infrastructure cost savings thanks to rack-aware kafka consumers for the LRC subsystem.
RDTP-22763Alignment of the roaming result codes for laggard Join-Request messages like regular uplink packets. Additionally, the sNS error code is now preserved by the fNS as is and shown in WLogger without any change.

Resolved issues

RDTP-23192DESC : Basics Station may stuck when no frame S received.
FIX: Disconnect then automatically reconnect the Basics Station to avoid keeping any deadline situation.
RDTP-23188DESC : Basics Station raising an error "Cannot send I : window 8 reached VS:30414 VA:30406".
FIX: Implement the appropriate mitigation technique in the LNS-BRIDGE.
RDTP-23184DESC : Bad UX during mass association of devices/BS with domains.
FIX: Allow using the vertical scroll to move down on the drop-down list when selecting domains.
RDTP-23003DESC : Inaccurate message returned when downlink payload size exceeds the allowed limit for device served by basics station .
FIX: When sending a DL to the LRC cluster, TPE must first try the primary LRC node (LRC1) then backtrack to LRC2 if the LRC1 is down or if the BS is not connected to the LRC1.
RDTP-22648DESC : Base station provisioning hit "500 Internal Server Error".
FIX: Fix RCA-PROV to avoid certificate generation failure when the LRR-UUID is in lower case in the certificate username.
RDTP-22622DESC : Wrong tooltip on BS list for "Packets (1h)".
FIX: Fix the tooltip to indicate that both UL + DL packets are counted.
RDTP-15984DESC : FTP URLs are not rejected by TPE GUI when configuring basic HTTPS connections, although they don't work.
FIX: FTP URLs are not authorized by the GUI, the regex is updated to deny ftp addresses with basic https applications.
RDTP-21154DESC : The base station appears connected to LRC when LRC is down.
FIX: Rely on the LRR_wan report generated by the LRR base station to detect when it is disconnected from only 1 LRC node of the cluster.
RDTP-22719DESC : The device count in the Connections list is sometimes wrong.
FIX: Fix the GUI bug in the list of Connections.

Known issues and limitations

RDTP-21977[LoRaWAN relays] When a downlink packet cannot be sent for an end-device via a relay because of the maximum payload size constraint, there is currently no delivery failure indication reported to AS nor visible in Wireless Logger at end-device level. This issue shall be fixed in the next release.
RDTP-23489[LoRaWAN relays] Endless Request/Answer loops in case of command rejection.
RDTP-23439[LoRaWAN relays] LRC should send the RootWorSKey to the relay after rejoining.