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Maintenance considerations

This section provides prerequisites when you have to drain Kubernetes workers dedicated to ThingPark Enterprise.

  • Thingpark Enterprise 7.1.3 is required to manage correctly disruptions
  • It's advised to backup data before any maintenance operation

Generic requirements

Maintenance on one node

  • To maintain compute capacities, It's encouraged to scale up the worker group with a spare worker in the same Availability Zone as the one in maintenance.
  • The spare worker must follow sizing prerequisites.

Maintenance sequence example:

  1. Add a spare node to cluster in the appropriate Availability Zone
  2. Add taint and label to start to schedule ThingPark Enterprise workloads on the spare node
  3. Remove label and drain the node
  4. Run maintenance operations on the node
  5. Re-taint and label the node when maintenance operations done
  6. Remove label, drain the spare worker and finally remove it

Large maintenances

Some maintenances require a rolling upgrade on the worker running ThingPark Enterprise. The best approach is to move all workloads on a temporary spare worker group.

In the big picture:

  1. Create a new spare worker group with same characteristics of the main one (CPU, RAM, Availability Zones).

  2. Add taint and label to dedicate theses new resources to ThingPark Enterprise. New task start to be scheduled on the spare worker group.

  3. Move all ThingPark Enterprise workloads by removing label and draining nodes from the worker group to put in maintenance.


    Nodes have to be drained one by one to safely move workloads

  4. Run maintenance operations

  5. Re-taint and label up to date worker group

  6. Remove label and drain one by one node from the spare worker group

AKS specifics

Kubernetes cluster version upgrade

Kubernetes cluster version upgrade follow the large maintenance guidelines.


  • The next procedure exposes the way to upgrade both Kubernetes control plane and worker from 1.21 to 1.24 version using the az CLI.
  • ThingPark Enterprise is deployed on the default node pool
  • The deployment is a L segment sizing
  1. Start by upgrade the control plan to the last 1.22 patch version. The control plane 1.22 is compatible with worker 1.20 to 1.22.

    az aks upgrade --resource-group <resourceGroupName> \
    --name <aksClusterName> \
    --kubernetes-version 1.22 \
  2. Create the spare worker group following the same sizing of the main one

    az aks nodepool add --cluster-name <aksClusterName> \
    --name spare \
    --resource-group <resourceGroupName> \
    --kubernetes-version 1.22 \
    --node-count 3 \
    --zones 1 2 3 \
    --node-vm-size Standard_D4s_v4 \
    --node-osdisk-type Managed \
    --node-osdisk-size 128 \
    --max-pods 50
  3. Apply label (mandatory) and taint (optional for dedicated cluster) following the Installation procedure to all spare nodes

  4. Start to move workloads by draining nodes of the default node pool. Each node should be drained one by one:

    1. Drain the node and remove label

      kubectl drain <nodeID> --delete-emptydir-data --ignore-daemonsets
    2. Monitor both Deployments and StatefulSets are all backing fully healthy before draining the next node

      kubectl get sts
      kubectl get deploy
  5. At this point the default node pool must be free of all ThingPark Enterprise workloads. It can be upgraded:

    # Speed up upgrade by allowing to upgrade all nodes at same time
    az aks nodepool update --cluster-name <aksClusterName> \
    --name default \
    --resource-group <resourceGroupName> \
    --max-surge 100%
    # Upgrade to the latest 1.22 patch
    az aks nodepool upgrade --cluster-name <aksClusterName> \
    --kubernetes-version 1.22 \
    --name default \
    --resource-group <resourceGroupName>
  6. Go on with upgrading both control plane and workers of the default node pool to the 1.23 and next to the 1.24 release

    # 1.23 upgrade
    az aks upgrade --resource-group <resourceGroupName> \
    --name <aksClusterName> \
    --kubernetes-version 1.23 \

    az aks nodepool upgrade --cluster-name <aksClusterName> \
    --kubernetes-version 1.23 \
    --name default \
    --resource-group <resourceGroupName>
    # 1.24 upgrade
    az aks upgrade --resource-group <resourceGroupName> \
    --name <aksClusterName> \
    --kubernetes-version 1.24 \

    az aks nodepool upgrade --cluster-name <aksClusterName> \
    --kubernetes-version 1.24 \
    --name default \
    --resource-group <resourceGroupName>
  7. Start to get back workloads on the default node pool by re-taint and label nodes

  8. Drain spare nodes and remove labels. For each node:

    1. Drain the node and remove label

      kubectl drain <nodeID> --delete-emptydir-data --ignore-daemonsets
    2. Monitor both Deployments and StatefulSets are all backing fully healthy before draining the next node

      kubectl get sts
      kubectl get deploy
  9. Delete the spare node pool

    az aks nodepool delete --cluster-name <aksClusterName> \
    --name spare \
    --resource-group <resourceGroupName>
  10. Check the cluster provisioning state

    $ az aks show --resource-group <resourceGroupName> \
    --name <aksClusterName> \
    --output table
    Name Location ResourceGroup KubernetesVersion CurrentKubernetesVersion ProvisioningState Fqdn
    --------------- ---------- --------------- ------------------- -------------------------- ------------------- -------------------------------------------------
    <aksClusterName> westeurope <resourceGroupName> 1.24.0 1.24.0 Succeeded <aksClusterName>