Sizing hardware
This topic describes the platform sizing that applies to the Appliance/VM deployment method. You can use this deployment both in standalone or High Availability (HA) mode.
This topic helps you choose the right hardware resource sizing for your IoT deployment. You can assess how much a ThingPark Enterprise platform can cost you prior to purchasing your equipment.
Case 1 - You want to purchase some hardware resources for a target IoT deployment for the first time. To learn more, see Case 1 - Determining the hardware sizing for a target IoT deployment.
Case 2 - You already have some hardware and want to know if the sizing fulfills the requirements of your new target IoT deployment. To learn more, see Case 2 - Determining the maximum deployment capacity of the current (or target) hardware sizing.
Standalone deployment
The next table describes the hardware sizing requirements according to your IoT deployment for each hardware sizing segment (S up to XXL). It gives you the number of base stations and devices, and the LoRaWAN® uplink/downlink traffic rate.
Small (S) | Medium (M) | Large (L) | Extra-Large (XL) | Double-Extra-Large (XXL) | |
Base stations | Up to 10 | Up to 100 | Up to 200 | Up to 500 | Up to 1,000 |
Devices | Up to 2,000 | Up to 20,000 | Up to 50,000 | Up to 100,000 | Up to 300,000 |
Average Traffic Rate (uplink + downlink, msg/sec) | 1 | 6 | 15 | 30 | 90 |
Peak Traffic Rate (msg/sec) (1) | 3 | 18 | 37.5 | 60 | 135 |
HW req. Minimum CPU score (2) | 16,000 | 30,000 | 46,000 | 80,000 | 113,000 |
HW req. Minimum CPU mark (indicative) (3) | 2,280 | 3,400 | 4,680 | 7,400 | 10,040 |
HW req. RAM (GB) | 7.5 | 12 | 16 | 32 | 64 |
HW req. Disk write operations/sec (average/peak) | 45/100 | 80/300 | 140/500 | 280/1000 | 650/1,500 |
HW req. Disk read operations/sec (average/peak) | 20/500 | 40/1,000 | 70/1,500 | 140/2,500 | 325/7,500 |
HW req. Storage size (GB) (4) | 90 | 100 | 110 | 130 | 200 |
HW req. TBW (5) over 5 years | 1 | 5 | 12 | 25 | 65 |
Example of AWS EC2 sizing category | m5.large + gp2 volume | m5.xlarge + gp2 volume | m5.xlarge + gp2 volume | m5.2xlarge + gp3 volume | m5.4xlarge + gp3 volume |
Example of Azure VM sizing category | D2sv4 + premium SSD | D4sv4 / D4sv5 + premium SSD | D4sv4 / D4sv5 + premium SSD | D8sv4 / D8sv5 + premium SSD | D16sv4 / D16sv5 + premium SSD |
Example of vCPU sizing (6) | 2 vCPU | 4 vCPU | 4 vCPU | 8 vCPU | 32 vCPU |
(1) The peak load (uplink and downlink packets per second) cannot be sustained over more than one minute.
(2) The CPU score can be assessed through the ThingPark HW benchmark script which is included in self-hosted TPE image distribution.
(3) The indicative CPU mark refers to the PassMark "Average CPU Mark" shown in the PassMark CPU list. This value is given as an indication to the range of CPU models required on a standalone appliance for each platform sizing segment. The definite CPU sizing must be validated against the ThingPark's minimal CPU score assessed through the HW benchmark script.
(4) Refers to the available storage space. For instance, if RAID1 is used for a Small Segment, the platform must have two disks of 90GB each.
(5) TeraBytes Written (TBW) is a reliability metric used to evaluate the SSD lifetime.
(6) Assuming a Intel Xeon Platinum 8175M or 8259CL @ 2.50GHz processor.
High Availability deployment
Deploying self-hosted ThingPark Enterprise in High-Availability mode requires a 3-node cluster:
Two identical nodes (called PRIMARY nodes) sized according to the targeted capacity. Each PRIMARY node must respect the sizing segments presented in the preceding table.
A third tiny node (called arbiter node) acting as database arbiter to prevent split brain issues.
While it is strongly recommended to deploy the three nodes in three different geographical locations to mitigate the risk of accidents (fires) or natural disasters, the following requirements must be ensured between the different nodes of the high availability cluster:
- Latency must be less than 10 milliseconds.
- Inter-server bandwidth must be at least 1 Gbps.
The following table provides the sizing requirement of the arbiter node:
Hardware requirement | All sizing segments except XXL | Double-Extra-Large (XXL) |
Minimum CPU score (1) | 10,000 | 14,125 |
Minimum CPU mark (indicative) (2) | 925 | 1,255 |
RAM (GB) | 2 | 4 |
Disk write operations/sec (average/peak) | 35/125 | 81/188 |
Disk read operations/sec (average/peak) | 18/625 | 41/938 |
Storage size (GB) (3) | 16 | 25 |
TBW (4) over 5 years | 3 | 8 |
Example of AWS EC2 sizing category | t3.small + gp2 volume | c5.large + gp2 volume |
Example of Azure VM sizing category | F2sv2 + premium SSD | Standard_A1_v2 + premium SSD |
Example of vCPU sizing (5) | 1 vCPU | 1 vCPU |
(1) CPU score can be assessed through ThingPark HW benchmark script, included in the self-hosted TPE image distribution.
(2) Indicative CPU mark refers to the PassMark "Average CPU" Mark referenced by PassMark Software - CPU Benchmarks.
(3) Refers to available storage space. If RAID1 is used, the node must have two disks of 20GB each.
(4) TeraBytes Written (TBW) is a reliability metric used to evaluate the SSD lifetime.
(5) Assuming a Intel Xeon Platinum 8175M or 8259CL @ 2.50GHz processor.
Determining the hardware sizing for a target IoT deployment
Determine the target number of base stations and devices for your IoT deployment.
Based on the expected traffic profile of your devices derive the total average number of messages per second expected for your deployment. The expected traffic profile corresponds to the average number of uplink/downlink messages exchanged per day between the device and the ThingPark core network).
From the target design parameters defined in the preceding steps 1 and 2, choose the minimum sizing segment fulfilling all design targets:
For a deployment having four base stations, 1200 devices and 0.6 messages per second, the minimum sizing segment must be Small (S).
For a deployment having 50 base stations, 8000 devices and two messages per second, the minimum sizing segment must be Medium (M).
Read the minimum hardware resources required for the target sizing segment in Hardware sizing requirements shown in the preceding table:
If you have access to the target appliance / deployment environment, we recommend that you run a hardware benchmark to assess the effective CPU performance of your deployment server. To learn more, see Running a benchmark of the hardware.
If you cannot run the hardware benchmark on your target appliance / deployment environment, use the Minimum CPU mark to determine which CPU models fits for each segment. To do this, compare the "Minimum CPU mark (indicative)" defined in tables above with the "Average CPU Mark" referenced by the PassMark CPU list.
Determining the maximum deployment capacity of the current (or target) hardware sizing
Determine your sizing segment:
Either by running the hardware benchmark. To learn more, see Running a benchmark of the hardware.
Or by comparing your hardware capacity against the Case 1 - Determining the hardware sizing for a target IoT deployment shown in the preceding table. Your hardware capacity corresponds to the CPU through "Average CPU Mark" referenced by the PassMark CPU list, the RAM, the disk write operations per second and the storage capacity.
Read the first four rows shown from the preceding table to determine the maximum number of base stations, devices and traffic load supported by your sizing segment.
If the current sizing does not fulfill your target deployment requirements, upgrade your hardware to the right sizing segment. For instance, if your current sizing segment is "S" while you have an average of 2 messages per second, the right sizing segment is "M".
Running a benchmark of the hardware
You can benchmark your hardware resource at any time:
After you have purchased your hardware equipment to verify that it fulfills the IoT deployment requirements that you want to put in place.
If you want to verify that your existing IoT deployment has the proper hardware sizing.
To do this, you can use one of the following procedures:
Using the ThingPark Enterprise benchmark script
Install the ThingPark Enterprise ISO on the targeted server.
Open an SSH session using the support user.
Ensure that Docker is stopped:
systemctl stop docker
. -
for a ThingPark Enterprise OCP standalone -p <IP tpe_node2> -a <IP tpe_node3>
for a ThingPark Enterprise OCP with High Availability. The support password for each node could be asked during the execution.
The bench must not be executed from the Cockpit Terminal.
The following capture shows an example of the script output:
$ -p -a
TPE-Bench on node 2. The support password could be required
Connection to closed.
TPE-Bench on node 2 : Download report. The support password could be required
tpe-bench.out.yaml 100% 81KB 18.6MB/s 00:00
TPE-Bench on arbiter. The support password could be required
Connection to closed.
TPE-Bench on node 2 : Download report. The support password could be required
tpe-bench.out.yaml 100% 51KB 19.6MB/s 00:00
# Node 1 bench
Get the meta informations
Get the hardware informations
Get the sysbench informations
CPU model: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6226R CPU @ 2.90GHz
CPU score: XL (46315)
RAM: M(15.7 G)
Disk size: M (112 G)
Disk write score: XXL(4488 w/s)
Disk read score: XL(4977 r/s)
Server segment is M
Detailed result: tpe-bench.out-node1.yaml
# Node 2 bench
Get the meta informations
Get the hardware informations
Get the sysbench informations
CPU model: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6226R CPU @ 2.90GHz
CPU score: XL (46399)
RAM: M(15.7 G)
Disk size: M (112 G)
Disk write score: XXL(5054 w/s)
Disk read score: XL(5695 r/s)
Server segment is M
Detailed result: tpe-bench.out-node2.yaml
# Node 3 bench (arbiter)
Get the meta informations
Get the hardware informations
Get the sysbench informations
CPU model: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6226R CPU @ 2.90GHz
CPU score: ARBITER (46816)
Disk size: ARBITER (72 G)
Disk write score: ARBITER(4972 w/s)
Disk read score: ARBITER(5516 r/s)
Server segment is ARBITER
Detailed result: tpe-bench.out-arbiter.yaml
For each node, the server segment is shown. When a server hardware sizing is downsized, the message is "Server segment is not compatible". See Sizing hardware for more information.
Using sysbench without installing ThingPark Enterprise
You can benchmark your server without installing the ThingPark Enterprise ISO.
Note The server must be running a Linux distribution and sysbench must be installed.
For example, on Debian/Ubuntu: apt install sysbench
Ensure no other workload is running on the server.
CPU bench:
Run the following command:
sysbench --threads=50 --time=10 --events=0 cpu run
Compare the Minimum CPU score shown in the preceding table with the "total number of events" value (in the "General statistics" section) from the sysbench output.
IO bench:
Go in a directory in the targeted device with enough disk space.
Prepare the bench by running
sysbench fileio --file-total-size=10G prepare
. -
sysbench --threads=50 --time=10 --events=0 --file-total-size=1G --file-test-mode=rndwr --file-extra-flags=direct --file-fsync-all=on fileio run
Compare the "Disk OPS (write/s)" from the table above with the "writes/s" value (in the "File operations" section) from the sysbench output.
sysbench fileio --file-total-size=10G cleanup