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Release 8.0

No change

Release 7.3


What's New

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/serviceAccounts
POST /vendors/{vendorUid}/serviceAccounts
GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/serviceAccounts/{serviceAccountId}
PUT /vendors/{vendorUid}/serviceAccounts/{serviceAccountId}
DELETE /vendors/{vendorUid}/serviceAccounts/{serviceAccountId}
POST /vendors/{vendorUid}/serviceAccounts/{serviceAccountId}/secret
GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/serviceAccounts/groups


What's Changed

All paths /vendors/\{vendorUid\}/*

Changed: vendorUid in path

Unique identifier of the vendor, either

  • the sequential integer (UID) of the vendor
  • the identifier (ID) of the vendor prefixed by id:
  • the string mine to reference the vendor of the authenticated user requesting the API


What's Deprecated

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/processes

Retrieve Processes

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/processes/{processUid}

Retrieve Process

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/processes/{processUid}/tasks

Retrieve Tasks

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/processes/{processUid}/tasks/{taskUid}

Retrieve Task

What's Changed

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}

Retrieve Vendor

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


The following properties are now optional:

  • billingStatus
  • dedicatedSubscriberPortfolio
  • eShopStatus
  • states
  • Deprecated property states (object)

    States of the vendor account until now. The state with the upper timestamp is the current state.

    This property must no longer be used: all vendor accounts are in the ACTIVE state and cannot move to another state.

PUT /vendors/{vendorUid}

Update Vendor

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


The following properties are now optional:

  • billingStatus
  • dedicatedSubscriberPortfolio
  • eShopStatus
  • states
  • Deprecated property states (object)

    States of the vendor account until now. The state with the upper timestamp is the current state.

    This property must no longer be used: all vendor accounts are in the ACTIVE state and cannot move to another state.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/products

Retrieve Products

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Changed property product (object)

        The following properties are now optional:

        • categories
GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/{supplierUid}

Retrieve Supplier

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


The following properties are now optional:

  • currency
  • shippingModes
GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/{supplierUid}/applications/{applicationUid}

Retrieve Application

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


The following properties are now optional:

  • categories
GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/{supplierUid}/applications/{applicationUid}/options/{optionUid}

Retrieve Application Option

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property application (object)

    The following properties are now optional:

    • categories
GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/{supplierUid}/devices/{deviceUid}

Retrieve Device

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


The following properties are now optional:

  • categories
  • shipping
  • Changed property versions (object)

    • Changed property version (array)

      Changed items (object):

      The following properties are now optional:

      • status
GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/{supplierUid}/devices/{deviceUid}/versions/{versionUid}

Retrieve Device Version

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


The following properties are now optional:

  • status
GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/vendors/offers

Retrieve OffersHelper

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Changed property offer (object)

        The following properties are now optional:

        • allowBackOfficeModification
        • categories
GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/vendors/{vendorUid}

Retrieve VendorHelper

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


The following properties are now optional:

  • currency
GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/vendors/{vendorUid}/offers/{offerUid}

Retrieve OfferHelper

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


The following properties are now optional:

  • pricingModel

Create Logo

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


The following properties are now optional:

  • billingStatus
  • dedicatedSubscriberPortfolio
  • eShopStatus
  • states
  • Deprecated property states (object)

    States of the vendor account until now. The state with the upper timestamp is the current state.

    This property must no longer be used: all vendor accounts are in the ACTIVE state and cannot move to another state.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/offers

Retrieve Offers

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      The following properties are now optional:

      • allowBackOfficeModification
POST /vendors/{vendorUid}/offers

Create Offer

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Successful CREATE

  • Changed property state (string)

    The initial value is now ACTIVE (was TEST).

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/offers/{offerUid}

Retrieve Offer

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


The following properties are now optional:

  • allowBackOfficeModification
  • pricingModel
PUT /vendors/{vendorUid}/offers/{offerUid}

Update Offer

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


The following properties are now optional:

  • allowBackOfficeModification
  • pricingModel
PUT /vendors/{vendorUid}/restricted

Update Restricted

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


The following properties are now optional:

  • billingStatus
  • eShopStatus
POST /vendors/{vendorUid}/subscribers

Create Subscriber

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Successful CREATE

The following properties are now optional:

  • chargingAnniversary


What's Changed

POST /vendors/{vendorUid}/admins

Create Admin

  • Deprecated property apiOnly (boolean)

    true if the user account is specifically designed to be used by an application. apiOnly user accounts are not subject to password expiration.

    This property must no longer be used: service accounts must be used to access the API.

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Successful CREATE

  • Deprecated property apiOnly (boolean)

    true if the user account is specifically designed to be used by an application. apiOnly user accounts are not subject to password expiration.

    This property must no longer be used: service accounts must be used to access the API.

POST /vendors/{vendorUid}/subscribers

Create Subscriber

  • Changed property user (object)

    • Added deprecated property apiOnly (boolean)

      true if the user account is specifically designed to be used by an application. apiOnly user accounts are not subject to password expiration.

      This property must no longer be used: service accounts must be used to access the API.

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Successful CREATE

  • Changed property user (object)

    • Added deprecated property apiOnly (boolean)

      true if the user account is specifically designed to be used by an application. apiOnly user accounts are not subject to password expiration.

      This property must no longer be used: service accounts must be used to access the API.

Release 7.2

No change

Release 7.1


What's Changed

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/modules

Retrieve Modules

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Added property authentication (string)

        Authentication protocol used by the module to authenticate the admin user.

        Enum values:

        • SMP
        • OIDC

Release 7.0


What's Deprecated

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/categories

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/currencies

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/{supplierUid}/shippingModes

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/{supplierUid}/gateways/{gatewayUid}

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/{supplierUid}/gateways/{gatewayUid}/versions/{versionUid}

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/{supplierUid}/shippingModes/{shippingModeUid}

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/vendors/{vendorUid}/offers/applicationCompatibility

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/vendors/{vendorUid}/offers/deviceCompatibility

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

PUT /vendors/{vendorUid}/restricted/activate

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

PUT /vendors/{vendorUid}/restricted/deactivate

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

PUT /vendors/{vendorUid}/restricted/resynchronize

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property billingStatus (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property category (object)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property currency (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property dedicatedSubscriberPortfolio (boolean)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property eShopStatus (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property eShopUrl (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

PUT /vendors/{vendorUid}
  • Deprecated property currency (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property billingStatus (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property category (object)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property currency (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property dedicatedSubscriberPortfolio (boolean)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property eShopStatus (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property eShopUrl (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/products

Deprecated: categoryID in query

This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Changed property product (object)

        • Deprecated property categories (object)

          This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/{supplierUid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property currency (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property shippingModes (object)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/{supplierUid}/applications/{applicationUid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property categories (object)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property recurringInitialFreePeriod (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property recurringPeriodicity (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property recurringPrice (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property upfrontPrice (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/{supplierUid}/applications/{applicationUid}/authorizations
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed property authorization (object)

    • Deprecated property m2mProfile (object)

      This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/{supplierUid}/applications/{applicationUid}/options/{optionUid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed property application (object)

    • Deprecated property categories (object)

      This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property recurringInitialFreePeriod (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property recurringPeriodicity (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property recurringPrice (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property upfrontPrice (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/{supplierUid}/devices/{deviceUid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property categories (object)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property depth (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property height (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property pricePlan (object)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property shipping (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property status (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property stock (integer)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property upfrontPrice (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Changed property versions (object)

    • Changed property version (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Deprecated property status (string)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property stock (integer)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property weight (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property width (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/{supplierUid}/devices/{deviceUid}/versions/{versionUid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property deltaUpfrontPrice (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property status (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property stock (integer)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/{supplierUid}/gateways/{gatewayUid}
GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/{supplierUid}/gateways/{gatewayUid}/versions/{versionUid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property deltaUpfrontPrice (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property status (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property stock (integer)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/{supplierUid}/shippingModes/{shippingModeUid}
GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/vendors/offers

Deprecated: categoryID in query

This parameter must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Changed property offer (object)

        • Deprecated property allowBackOfficeModification (boolean)

          This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

        • Deprecated property categories (object)

          This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/vendors/{vendorUid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property currency (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/vendors/{vendorUid}/offers/{offerUid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property fixedInitalFreePeriod (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedPeriodicity (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedRecurringPrice (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedUpfrontPrice (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property markup (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property pricingModel (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/offers

Deprecated: categoryID in query

This parameter must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Deprecated property allowBackOfficeModification (boolean)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property categories (object)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

POST /vendors/{vendorUid}/offers
  • Deprecated property allowBackOfficeModification (boolean)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedInitalFreePeriod (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedPeriodicity (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedRecurringPrice (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedUpfrontPrice (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property markup (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property pricingModel (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Deprecated property allowBackOfficeModification (boolean)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedInitalFreePeriod (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedPeriodicity (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedRecurringPrice (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedUpfrontPrice (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property markup (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property pricingModel (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/offers/{offerUid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property allowBackOfficeModification (boolean)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedInitalFreePeriod (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedPeriodicity (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedRecurringPrice (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedUpfrontPrice (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property markup (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property pricingModel (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

PUT /vendors/{vendorUid}/offers/{offerUid}
  • Deprecated property allowBackOfficeModification (boolean)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedInitalFreePeriod (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedPeriodicity (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedRecurringPrice (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedUpfrontPrice (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property markup (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property pricingModel (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property allowBackOfficeModification (boolean)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedInitalFreePeriod (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedPeriodicity (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedRecurringPrice (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property fixedUpfrontPrice (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property markup (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property pricingModel (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

POST /vendors/{vendorUid}/offers/{offerUid}/items/{itemUid}/options
  • Deprecated property fixedUpfrontPriceDelta (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Deprecated property fixedUpfrontPriceDelta (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/offers/{offerUid}/items/{itemUid}/options/{optionUid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property fixedUpfrontPriceDelta (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

PUT /vendors/{vendorUid}/offers/{offerUid}/items/{itemUid}/options/{optionUid}
  • Deprecated property fixedUpfrontPriceDelta (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property fixedUpfrontPriceDelta (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

PUT /vendors/{vendorUid}/restricted
  • Deprecated property billingStatus (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property category (object)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property eShopStatus (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property billingStatus (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property category (object)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property eShopStatus (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

POST /vendors/{vendorUid}/subscribers
  • Deprecated property address1 (object)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property address2 (object)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Changed property user (object)

    • Deprecated property facebookID (string)

      This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

    • Deprecated property googleID (string)

      This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property vatNumber (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Deprecated property address1 (object)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property address2 (object)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property chargingAnniversary (integer)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Changed property user (object)

    • Deprecated property facebookID (string)

      This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

    • Deprecated property googleID (string)

      This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property vatNumber (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.


What's Changed

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}

Retrieve Vendor

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Added property marketplaceUrlDisabled (boolean)

    TRUE if Marketplace URL configured at Operator level must not be provided to Subscribers

  • Changed property operator (object)

    • Added property marketplaceUrl (string)

      Marketplace URL to be displayed to Subscribers

PUT /vendors/{vendorUid}

Update Vendor

  • Added property marketplaceUrlDisabled (boolean)

    TRUE if Marketplace URL configured at Operator level must not be provided to Subscribers

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Added property marketplaceUrlDisabled (boolean)

    TRUE if Marketplace URL configured at Operator level must not be provided to Subscribers

  • Changed property operator (object)

    • Added property marketplaceUrl (string)

      Marketplace URL to be displayed to Subscribers

Release 6.1


What's Changed

POST /vendors/{vendorUid}/subscribers

Create Subscriber


Added: sendActivationEmail in query

Send activation email to the created user account. This parameter has no effect if user property is not provided or user.thingpark.password property is provided.


Following properties are now optional:

  • contactEmail
  • contactName
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Successful CREATE

Following properties are now optional:

  • contactEmail
  • contactName

Release 6.0


What's New

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/customFieldSets

Retrieve Custom Field Sets

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/customFieldSets/{customFieldSetUid}

Retrieve Custom Field Set

What's Deleted

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/subscribers/customFieldSets

Retrieve Subscriber Custom Field Sets

What's Changed

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}

Retrieve Vendor

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property customFields (object)

    • Changed property customField (array)

      List of Custom Fields

      Changed items (object):

      • Deleted property enumerate (object)

      • Changed property enumValue (array -> object)

        enumerate value (only applicable if type is ENUMERATE)

        Items (object):

        • Added property ID (string)

          enumerate value ID

        • Added property name (string)

          enumerate value name

  • Changed property customFieldSet (object)

    New required properties:

    • href

    • Added property href (string)

      HREF to retrieve the Custom Field Set using helpers WS

PUT /vendors/{vendorUid}

Update Vendor

  • Changed property customFields (object)

    • Changed property customField (array)

      List of Custom Fields

      Changed items (object):

      • Changed property enumValue (array -> object)

        enumerate value (only applicable if type is ENUMERATE)

        Items (object):

        • Added property ID (string)

          enumerate value ID

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property customFields (object)

    • Changed property customField (array)

      List of Custom Fields

      Changed items (object):

      • Deleted property enumerate (object)

      • Changed property enumValue (array -> object)

        enumerate value (only applicable if type is ENUMERATE)

        Items (object):

        • Added property ID (string)

          enumerate value ID

        • Added property name (string)

          enumerate value name

  • Changed property customFieldSet (object)

    New required properties:

    • href

    • Added property href (string)

      HREF to retrieve the Custom Field Set using helpers WS

POST /vendors/{vendorUid}/subscribers

Create SubscriberCreate

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Successful CREATE

  • Changed property customFieldSet (object)

    New required properties:

    • href

    • Added property href (string)

      HREF to retrieve the Custom Field Set using helpers WS

Release 5.2.2

No change

Release 5.1


No change

Release 5.0.1


What's New

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/subscribers/customFieldSets

Retrieve Subscriber Custom Field Sets

What's Changed

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}

Retrieve Vendor


Added: customFields in query

Return custom fields. When this query parameter is not specified in the request, custom fields are not returned.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Added property customFieldSet (object)

  • Added property category (object)

  • Added property customFields (object)

PUT /vendors/{vendorUid}

Update Vendor

  • Added property customFields (object)
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Added property customFieldSet (object)

  • Added property category (object)

  • Added property customFields (object)

GET /vendors/{vendorUid}/helpers/suppliers/{supplierUid}/devices/{deviceUid}

Retrieve Device

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Added property pricePlan (object)
PUT /vendors/{vendorUid}/restricted

Update Restricted

  • Added property category (object)
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Added property category (object)
POST /vendors/{vendorUid}/subscribers

Create SubscriberCreate

  • Added property customFieldSet (object)
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Successful CREATE

  • Added property customFieldSet (object)

Release 4.3


Following web service is updated:

  • R /vendors/\{vendorUid\}/modules
Attribute nameXSD typeResp.Description
briefs[]/indexintegerOModule index
If the index is > 0: the Module TAB must be displayed to the right of SMP TABs
If the index is < 0: the Module TAB must be displayed to the left of SMP TABs
Then Modules are sorted relatively to their index: a Module with a greater index is displayed to the right
Modules without index are displayed to the right and sorted by "name" (lexicographic order)

Release 4.2


Following web service is updated:

  • R /vendors/\{vendorUid\}/subscribers/orders

Results are ordered by timestamp then "ID" ( REVERSE lexicographic order).

Optional query parameters

updatedAfterdateReturns Orders where the current timestamp >= updatedAfter


Following web service is updated:

  • R /vendors/\{vendorUid\}/subscribers/users/authenticate

This WS is enhanced to support authentication based on temporary credentials.

Release 4.1


Following web service is updated:

  • R /vendors/\{vendorUid\}/processes/\{processUid\}
Attribute nameXSD typeResp.Description
inputContext → UPDATEDJSONOInput context injected in the process instance.


Following web service is updated:

  • R /vendors/\{vendorUid\}/processes/\{processUid\}/tasks/\{taskUid\}
Attribute nameXSD typeResp.Description
initialOutputContext → DELETEDJSONMOutput context when the task has been created.
finalOutputContext → DELETEDJSONOOutput context when the task has been completed.
assignedTo ("userTask" only) → DELETEDstringOFirst name and last name of the manager that complete the task.
claimingDate ("userTask" only) → DELETEDdateTimeOClaim timestamp.
bpmGroupName ("userTask" only) → DELETEDstring0BPM group name.
formResultData ("userTask" only) → DELETEDstringOFrom result injected in the task.