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Release 8.0


What's Changed

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      New required properties:

      • federatedIdentities

      New optional properties:

      • lastConnection

      • Added property federatedIdentities (array)

      • Changed property lastConnection (integer)

        Date of the last connection, epoch time in milliseconds

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Successful CREATE

New required properties:

  • federatedIdentities
  • Added property federatedIdentities (array)

  • Added property lastConnection (integer)

    Date of the last connection, epoch time in milliseconds

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users/{userUid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

Successful CREATE

New required properties:

  • federatedIdentities
  • Added property federatedIdentities (array)

  • Added property lastConnection (integer)

    Date of the last connection, epoch time in milliseconds

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users/{userUid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

Successful CREATE

New required properties:

  • federatedIdentities
  • Added property federatedIdentities (array)

  • Added property lastConnection (integer)

    Date of the last connection, epoch time in milliseconds

RDTP-19650 / RDTP-21963

What's New

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users/{userUid}

Retrieve a user account

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users/{userUid}

Update a user account

DELETE /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users/{userUid}

Delete a user account

What's Deprecated

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/news/latest

Retrieve Latest News

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/news/latest

Create Latest News

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/news/latest

Update Latest News

DELETE /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/news/latest

Delete Latest News

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/applications/notifications

Retrieve Notifications

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/applications/{applicationUid}/notifications

Retrieve NotificationsApplication

DELETE /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/applications/{applicationUid}/notifications/{notificationUid}

Delete Notification

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/applications/{applicationUid}/notifications/{notificationUid}/read

Update Read

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/depot

Retrieve Depot

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/depot

Update Depot

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users/{userUid}/domainRestrictions

Retrieve User's Domain Restrictions

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users/{userUid}/domainRestrictions

Update User's Domain Restrictions

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users/{userUid}/groups

Retrieve group memberships

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users/{userUid}/groups

Update group memberships

What's Changed

All paths /subscribers/\{subscriberUid\}/*

Changed: subscriberUid in path

Unique identifier of the subscriber, either

  • the string mine to reference the subscriber of the authenticated user requesting the API
  • the identifier (ID) of the subscriber prefixed by id:
  • the sequential integer (UID) of the subscriber
POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/offers/unsubscribe
POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions
Access rights:

Changed to <SubscriberAccount>.acl/RA

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/applications/{applicationUid}
PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/applications/{applicationUid}/nodes/associate
PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/applications/{applicationUid}/nodes/dissociate
DELETE /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/applications/{applicationUid}/notifications/{notificationUid}
PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/applications/{applicationUid}/notifications/{notificationUid}/read
PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/gateways/{gatewayUid}
POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/gateways/{gatewayUid}/x509Certif/generation
POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/gateways/{gatewayUid}/x509Certif/invalidate
POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/gateways/{gatewayUid}/x509Certif/regeneration
PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/gateways/{gatewayUid}/check
DELETE /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/gateways/{gatewayUid}/pendingRequests/{pendingRequestUid}
DELETE /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/offers/{offerUid}
POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders
POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders/abort
POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders/validate
POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders/{orderUid}/process
Access rights:

Changed to <Subscription>.acl/RA

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}

Retrieve Subscriber

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Added property clientIdPrefix (string)

    Mandatory prefix service accounts must have.

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}

Update Subscriber

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Added property clientIdPrefix (string)

    Mandatory prefix service accounts must have.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/applications

Retrieve ApplicationsSubscriber

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Added property description (string)
POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/applications/{applicationUid}/accessCode

Create AccessCode


The request body is optional: when not set, the access code is generated for the authenticated end-user.

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Successful CREATE

  • Added property href (string)
POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users

Create User

Access rights:

Changed to <SubscriberAccount>.acl/RA if password is provided in the request

  • Added property domainRestrictions (object)

    User's domain restrictions:

    • If no domain restrictions are defined, the user can access all cross-domain resources and all domain-specific resources
    • Else, the user can access all cross-domain resources and only domain-specific resources matching the domain restrictions
    • Property and (array)

      A resource matches if it matches all and items.

      Items (object):

      A resource matches if it is associated with a domain satisfying the following requirements:

      • The group name of the resource domain is (exact match)
      • If type is PREFIX:
        • The name of the resource domain is prefixed with name
      • Else: (type is FULL)
        • The name of the resource domain is name (exact match)
      • Property type (string)

        Type of domain restriction:

        • FULL: restriction on full domain
        • PREFIX: restriction on domain prefix

        Enum values:

        • FULL
        • PREFIX
      • Property name (string)

        Name of the full domain or domain prefix

      • Property group (object)

        Domain group associated with the domain restriction

        • Property name (string)

          Name of the domain group

  • Added property groupIDs (array)

    Items (string):

  • Added property language (string)

    User's language

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Successful CREATE

  • Added property domainRestrictions (object)

    User's domain restrictions:

    • If no domain restrictions are defined, the user can access all cross-domain resources and all domain-specific resources
    • Else, the user can access all cross-domain resources and only domain-specific resources matching the domain restrictions
    • Property and (array)

      A resource matches if it matches all and items.

      Items (object):

      A resource matches if it is associated with a domain satisfying the following requirements:

      • The group name of the resource domain is (exact match)
      • If type is PREFIX:
        • The name of the resource domain is prefixed with name
      • Else: (type is FULL)
        • The name of the resource domain is name (exact match)
      • Property type (string)

        Type of domain restriction:

        • FULL: restriction on full domain
        • PREFIX: restriction on domain prefix

        Enum values:

        • FULL
        • PREFIX
      • Property name (string)

        Name of the full domain or domain prefix

      • Property group (object)

        Domain group associated with the domain restriction

        • Property name (string)

          Name of the domain group

  • Added property groupIDs (array)

    Items (string):

  • Added property language (string)

    User's language

  • Added property state (string)

    State of the relation between the Subscriber and the User

  • Added property userState (string)

    State of the User

Release 7.3


What's New

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/serviceAccounts
POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/serviceAccounts
GET | PUT | DELETE /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/serviceAccounts/{serviceAccountId}
POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/serviceAccounts/{serviceAccountId}/secret
GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/serviceAccounts/groups


What's Changed

All paths /subscribers/\{subscriberUid\}/*

Changed: subscriberUid in path

Unique identifier of the subscriber, either

  • the sequential integer (UID) of the subscriber
  • the identifier (ID) of the subscriber prefixed by id:


What's Changed

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}

Retrieve Subscriber

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


The following properties are now optional:

  • chargingAnniversary
  • nextChargingDate
PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}

Update Subscriber


The following properties are now optional:

  • chargingAnniversary
  • nextChargingDate
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


The following properties are now optional:

  • chargingAnniversary
  • nextChargingDate
GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/applications

Retrieve ApplicationsSubscriber

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      The following properties are now optional:

      • place
GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/applications/applicationCompatibility

Retrieve ApplicationCompatibility

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      The following properties are now optional:

      • place
GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/nodes/{nodeUid}/applications

Retrieve ApplicationsSubscriberNode

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      The following properties are now optional:

      • place
GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/nodes/{nodeUid}/applications/applicationCompatibility

Retrieve ApplicationCompatibilityNode

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      The following properties are now optional:

      • place
GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/offers

Retrieve Offers

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      The following properties are now optional:

      • currency
GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/orders

Retrieve Orders

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Changed property offers (object)

        • Changed property offer (array)

          Changed items (object):

          The following properties are now optional:

          • initialFreePeriod
      • Changed property orderContexts (object)

        • Changed property orderContext (array)

          Changed items (object):

          The following properties are now optional:

          • shippingMode
GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/applications/{applicationUid}

Retrieve Application

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


The following properties are now optional:

  • place
PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/applications/{applicationUid}

Update Application

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


The following properties are now optional:

  • place
GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/offers/{offerUid}

Retrieve Offer

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


The following properties are now optional:

  • currency
  • Changed property products (object)

    • Changed property product (array)

      Changed items (object):

      The following properties are now optional:

      • currency
      • place
POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders

Create CreateOrder


The following properties are now optional:

  • billingAddress: no billing address by default
  • shippingAddress: no shipping address by default
  • Changed property offers (object)

    • Changed property offer (array)

      Changed items (object):

      The following properties are now optional:

      • currency: the vendor currency is used by default
      • recurringPeriod: P0M by default
      • recurringPriceExclTax: 0 by default
      • recurringTax: 0 by default
      • upfrontPriceExclTax: 0 by default
      • upfrontTax: 0 by default
  • Changed property suppliers (object)

    • Changed property supplier (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Changed property items (object)

        • Changed property item (array)

          Changed items (object):

          The following properties are now optional:

          • place: no place by default
Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Successful CREATE

  • Changed property suppliers (object)

    • Changed property supplier (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Changed property items (object)

        • Changed property item (array)

          Changed items (object):

          The following properties are now optional:

          • place
GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders/{orderUid}

Retrieve Order

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property offers (object)

    • Changed property offer (array)

      Changed items (object):

      The following properties are now optional:

      • currency
  • Changed property orderContexts (object)

    • Changed property orderContext (array)

      Changed items (object):

      The following properties are now optional:

      • shippingMode


What's Changed

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users

Retrieve Users


Deprecated: apiOnly in query

Either true to return API only users or false to return non API only users. All types of users are returned if the query param is not provided.

This property must no longer be used: service accounts must be used to access the API.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Deprecated property apiOnly (boolean)

        true if the user account is specifically designed to be used by an application.

        This property must no longer be used: service accounts must be used to access the API.

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users

Create User

  • Deprecated property apiOnly (boolean)

    true if the user account is specifically designed to be used by an application. apiOnly user accounts are not subject to password expiration.

    This property must no longer be used: service accounts must be used to access the API.

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Successful CREATE

  • Deprecated property apiOnly (boolean)

    true if the user account is specifically designed to be used by an application. apiOnly user accounts are not subject to password expiration.

    This property must no longer be used: service accounts must be used to access the API.

Release 7.2


What's Changed

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders/{orderUid}/abort

An Order Batch in the PROCESSING state can now be aborted.


What's New

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/domainGroups

Retrieve Domain Groups

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/domainGroups

Create Domain Group

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/domainGroups/{domainGroupUid}

Retrieve a Domain Group

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/domainGroups/{domainGroupUid}

Update a Domain Group

DELETE /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/domainGroups/{domainGroupUid}

Delete a Domain Group

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/domains

Retrieve Domains

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/domains

Create Domain

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/domains/{domainUid}

Retrieve a Domain

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/domains/{domainUid}

Update a Domain

DELETE /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/domains/{domainUid}

Delete a Domain

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/domains/suggestions

Retrieve Domain Suggestions

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users/{userUid}/domainRestrictions

Retrieve User's Domain Restrictions

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users/{userUid}/domainRestrictions

Update User's Domain Restrictions

What's Changed

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users

Retrieve Users

Access rights:

Changed to <SubscriberAccount>.acl/a

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Added property domainRestrictions (object)

        User's domain restrictions:

        • If no domain restrictions are defined, the user can access all cross-domain resources and all domain-specific resources
        • Else, the user can access all cross-domain resources and only domain-specific resources matching the domain restrictions
        • Property and (array)

          A resource matches if it matches all and items.

          Items (object):

          A resource matches if it is associated with a domain satisfying the following requirements:

          • The group name of the resource domain is (exact match)
          • If type is PREFIX:
            • The name of the resource domain is prefixed with name
          • Else: (type is FULL)
            • The name of the resource domain is name (exact match)
          • Property type (string)

            Type of domain restriction:

            • FULL: restriction on full domain
            • PREFIX: restriction on domain prefix

            Enum values:

            • FULL
            • PREFIX
          • Property name (string)

            Name of the full domain or domain prefix

          • Property group (object)

            Domain group associated with the domain restriction

            • Property name (string)

              Name of the domain group

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users/{userUid}/groups

Retrieve group memberships

Access rights:

Changed to:

  • <SubscriberAccount>.acl/a
  • Access is granted to user on its own account (hardcoded without ACL Permission)

Release 7.1


What's Changed

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/modules

Retrieve Modules

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Added property authentication (string)

        Authentication protocol used by the module to authenticate the admin user.

        Enum values:

        • SMP
        • OIDC

Release 7.0


What's Deprecated

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/addresses

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/addresses

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/addresses/{addressUid}

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/addresses/{addressUid}

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

DELETE /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/addresses/{addressUid}

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/aliases

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/aliases

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/aliases/{aliasUid}

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/aliases/{aliasUid}

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

DELETE /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/aliases/{aliasUid}

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/applications/applicationCompatibility

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/gateways

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/helpers/models

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/invoices

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/nodes

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/nodes/nodeCompatibility

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/nodes/{nodeUid}

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/nodes/{nodeUid}

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

DELETE /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/nodes/{nodeUid}

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/nodes/{nodeUid}/applications

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/nodes/{nodeUid}/applications/applicationCompatibility

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/places

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/places

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/places/{placeUid}

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/places/{placeUid}

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

DELETE /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/places/{placeUid}

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/places/{placeUid}/applications

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/places/{placeUid}/gateways

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/places/{placeUid}/include

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/places/{placeUid}/nodes

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/places/{placeUid}/settings

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/recurrings

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/applications/{applicationUid}/nodes

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/applications/{applicationUid}/nodes/associate

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/applications/{applicationUid}/nodes/categories

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/applications/{applicationUid}/nodes/dissociate

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/applications/{applicationUid}/nodes/nodeCompatibility

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/applications/{applicationUid}/nodes/places

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/gateways/{gatewayUid}

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/gateways/{gatewayUid}

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/gateways/{gatewayUid}/x509Certif/generation

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/gateways/{gatewayUid}/x509Certif/invalidate

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/gateways/{gatewayUid}/x509Certif/regeneration

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/gateways/{gatewayUid}/check

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/gateways/{gatewayUid}/pendingRequests

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

DELETE /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/gateways/{gatewayUid}/pendingRequests/{pendingRequestUid}

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders/validate

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders/{orderUid}/process

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders/{orderUid}/transactions

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/recurrings/{recurringUid}

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/recurrings/{recurringUid}/transactions

This endpoint must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property chargingAnniversary (integer)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property nextChargingDate (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property vatNumber (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}
  • Deprecated property vatNumber (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property chargingAnniversary (integer)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property nextChargingDate (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property vatNumber (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/applications
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Deprecated property place (object)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/offers
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Deprecated property currency (string)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property initialFreePeriod (string)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property periodicity (string)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property recurringPriceExclTax (number)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property recurringTax (number)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property upfrontPriceExclTax (number)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property upfrontTax (number)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/orders
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Deprecated property billing (object)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Changed property offers (object)

        • Changed property offer (array)

          Changed items (object):

          • Deprecated property currency (string)

            This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

          • Deprecated property initialFreePeriod (string)

            This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

          • Deprecated property recurringPeriodicity (string)

            This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

          • Deprecated property recurringPriceExclTax (number)

            This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

          • Deprecated property recurringTax (number)

            This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

          • Deprecated property upfrontPriceExclTax (number)

            This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

          • Deprecated property upfrontTax (number)

            This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Changed property orderContexts (object)

        • Changed property orderContext (array)

          Changed items (object):

          • Deprecated property attachments (object)

            This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

          • Changed property products (object)

            • Changed property product (array)

              Changed items (object):

              • Deprecated property supplierCurrency (string)

                This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

              • Deprecated property supplierUpfrontPriceExclTax (number)

                This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

              • Deprecated property supplierUpfrontTax (number)

                This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

          • Deprecated property shippingMode (object)

            This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property shipping (object)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/applications/{applicationUid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property place (object)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/applications/{applicationUid}
  • Deprecated property place (object)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property place (object)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/offers/{offerUid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property currency (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property delayedDeactivationDate (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property firstChargingDate (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property initialFreePeriod (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property nextCharingDate (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property periodicity (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Changed property products (object)

    • Changed property product (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Deprecated property currency (string)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property initialFreePeriod (string)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property periodicity (string)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property place (object)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property supplierRecurringPrice (number)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property supplierUpfrontPrice (number)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property recurringPriceExclTax (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property recurringTax (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property upfrontPriceExclTax (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property upfrontTax (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders

Deprecated: processOrder in query

This parameter must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property billingAddress (object)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property contactPermission (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Changed property offers (object)

    • Changed property offer (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Deprecated property currency (string)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property initialFreePeriod (string)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property recurringPeriod (string)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property recurringPriceExclTax (number)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property recurringTax (number)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property upfrontPriceExclTax (number)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property upfrontTax (number)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property shippingAddress (object)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Changed property suppliers (object)

    • Changed property supplier (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Changed property items (object)

        • Changed property item (array)

          Changed items (object):

          • Deprecated property place (object)

            This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property shippingMode (object)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Changed property suppliers (object)

    • Changed property supplier (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Changed property items (object)

        • Changed property item (array)

          Changed items (object):

          • Deprecated property b2bUpfrontPriceExclTax (number)

            This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

          • Deprecated property b2bUpfrontTax (number)

            This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

          • Deprecated property place (object)

            This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property shippingMode (object)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders/{orderUid}
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK

  • Deprecated property billing (object)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Changed property offers (object)

    • Changed property offer (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Deprecated property currency (string)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property initialFreePeriod (string)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property periodicity (string)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property recurringPriceExclTax (number)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property recurringTax (number)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property upfrontPriceExclTax (number)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property upfrontTax (number)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Changed property orderContexts (object)

    • Changed property orderContext (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Deprecated property attachments (object)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Changed property products (object)

        • Changed property product (array)

          Changed items (object):

          • Deprecated property supplierCurrency (string)

            This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

          • Deprecated property supplierUpfrontPriceExclTax (number)

            This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

          • Deprecated property supplierUpfrontTax (number)

            This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

      • Deprecated property shippingMode (object)

        This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property shipping (object)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property totalChargedUpfrontPriceExclTax (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property totalChargedUpfrontTax (number)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property vatNumber (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property vendorCaptureStatus (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property vendorPSP (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users
  • Deprecated property facebookID (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property googleID (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

  • Deprecated property facebookID (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.

  • Deprecated property googleID (string)

    This property must no longer be used: the associated feature is no more available in the product.


What's Changed

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}

Retrieve Subscriber

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Added property marketplaceUrl (string)

    Marketplace URL

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}

Update Subscriber

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Added property marketplaceUrl (string)

    Marketplace URL

Release 6.1


What's Changed

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders/{orderUid}/abort

An Order Batch in the TRYING state can now be aborted.


What's Changed

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}

Retrieve Subscriber

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


Following properties are now optional:

  • contactEmail
  • contactName
PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}

Update Subscriber

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


Following properties are now optional:

  • contactEmail
  • contactName

RDTP-6628 / RDTP-8975

What's Changed

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders/{orderUid}

Retrieve Order

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property orderContexts (object)

    • Changed property orderContext (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Added property ID (string)

        Order Context ID

Release 6.0


What's Changed

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users

Retrieve Users


Added: apiOnly in query

Either true to return API only users or false to return non API only users. All types of users are returned if the query param is not provided.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Added property apiOnly (boolean)

        TRUE if the user account is specifically designed to be used by an application to make automatic requests to the SMP platform.

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users

Create User

  • Added property apiOnly (boolean)

    true if the user account is specifically designed to be used by an application to make automatic requests to the SMP platform. apiOnly user accounts are not subject to password expiration.

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Successful CREATE

  • Added property apiOnly (boolean)

    true if the user account is specifically designed to be used by an application to make automatic requests to the SMP platform. apiOnly user accounts are not subject to password expiration.


What's New

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users/groups

Retrieve user groups

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users/{userUid}/groups

Retrieve group memberships

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users/{userUid}/groups

Update group memberships

What's Changed

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users

Retrieve Users

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      New required properties:

      • ctxHref

      • groupIDs

      • Added property ctxHref (string)

        User HREF in Subscriber context

      • Added property groupIDs (array)

        Group IDs

        Items (string):

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users

Create User


Added: noGroup in query

If true, the created user is not associated to any group, else user id added to ADMINS group.

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Successful CREATE

New required properties:

  • ctxHref
  • Added property ctxHref (string)

    User HREF in Subscriber context


What's New

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/helpers/customFieldSets/{customFieldSetUid}

Retrieve Custom Field Set

What's Changed

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}

Retrieve Subscriber

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property customFields (object)

    • Changed property customField (array)

      List of Custom Fields

      Changed items (object):

      • Deleted property enumerate (object)

      • Changed property enumValue (array -> object)

        enumerate value (only applicable if type is ENUMERATE)

        Items (object):

        • Added property ID (string)

          enumerate value ID

        • Added property name (string)

          enumerate value name

  • Changed property customFieldSet (object)

    New required properties:

    • href

    • Added property href (string)

      HREF to retrieve the Custom Field Set using helpers WS

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}

Update Subscriber

  • Changed property customFields (object)

    • Changed property customField (array)

      List of Custom Fields

      Changed items (object):

      • Changed property enumValue (array -> object)

        enumerate value (only applicable if type is ENUMERATE)

        Items (object):

        • Added property ID (string)

          enumerate value ID

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property customFields (object)

    • Changed property customField (array)

      List of Custom Fields

      Changed items (object):

      • Deleted property enumerate (object)

      • Changed property enumValue (array -> object)

        enumerate value (only applicable if type is ENUMERATE)

        Items (object):

        • Added property ID (string)

          enumerate value ID

        • Added property name (string)

          enumerate value name

  • Changed property customFieldSet (object)

    New required properties:

    • href

    • Added property href (string)

      HREF to retrieve the Custom Field Set using helpers WS


What's New

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders/{orderUid}/process

Process Order

What's Changed

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders

Create CreateOrder


Added: processOrder in query

Automatically process the order without waiting for payment confirmation. This query parameter only applies when checkConstraintsOnly=false and vendor prices are set to 0. When vendor prices are greater than 0, the order is not processed and the payment confirmation is required.

TRUE is considered by default if the query parameter is not specified.

  • Added property contactPermission (string)

    Indicates if the subscriber accepts to be contacted for this order.

    Enum values:

    • ACCEPT


What's New

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders/{orderUid}/abort

Abort Order

DELETE /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders/{orderUid}

Delete Order

What's Changed

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/orders

Retrieve Orders


Added: offerID in query

Only return orders matching the offer ID

Changed: aggregatedState in query

Only return Order Batches matching the aggregated current state (exact match):

  • ALL = any - LOGGED
  • NOT-INIT = any - INIT
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Changed property briefs (object)

    • Changed property brief (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Added property billing (object)

        • Property name (string)

          Billing address name

      • Added property shipping (object)

        • Property name (string)

          Shipping address name

      • Changed property orderContexts (object)

        • Changed property orderContext (array)

          Changed items (object):

          • Added property attachments (object)

            • Property attachment (array)

              List of attachments included in the order context

              Items (object):

              • Property filename (string)

                Attachment filename

              • Property type (string)

                Attachment type

              • Property url (string)

                Attachment URL

          • Added property products (object)

            • Property product (array)

              List of products included in the order context

              Items (object):

              • Property ID (string)

              • Property supplierCurrency (string)

                Currency of product supplier upfront price

              • Property supplierUpfrontPriceExclTax (number)

                Product supplier upfront price excluding tax

              • Property supplierUpfrontTax (number)

                Product supplier upfront tax

          • Changed property shippingMode (object)

            • Added property supplierCurrency (string)

              Currency of shipping supplier upfront price

            • Added property supplierUpfrontPrice (number)

              Shipping supplier upfront price excluding tax

            • Added property supplierUpfrontTax (number)

              Shipping supplier upfront tax

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/recurrings

Retrieve Recurrings


Changed: aggregatedState in query

Only return Order Batches matching the aggregated current state (exact match):

  • ALL = any - LOGGED
  • NOT-INIT = any - INIT
GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders/{orderUid}

Retrieve Order

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Added property vendorCaptureStatus (string)

    Status of the vendor capture transaction

    Enum values:

  • Added property vendorPSP (string)

    PSP used to charge the vendor

    Enum value:

    • STRIPE
  • Changed property orderContexts (object)

    • Changed property orderContext (array)

      Changed items (object):

      • Added property attachments (object)

        • Property attachment (array)

          List of attachments included in the order context

          Items (object):

          • Property filename (string)

            Attachment filename

          • Property type (string)

            Attachment type

          • Property url (string)

            Attachment URL

      • Changed property products (object)

        • Changed property product (array)

          Changed items (object):

          Product: Can be an application, an application option, a device or a gateway.

          • Added property SKU (string)

            Stock Keeping Unit

          • Added property supplierCurrency (string)

            Currency of product supplier upfront price

          • Added property supplierUpfrontPriceExclTax (number)

            Product supplier upfront price excluding tax

          • Added property supplierUpfrontTax (number)

            Product supplier upfront tax

      • Changed property shippingMode (object)

        • Added property supplierUpfrontTax (number)

          Shipping supplier upfront tax

Release 5.2.2

No change

Release 5.1


No change

Release 5.0.1


What's New

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/news/latest

Retrieve Latest News

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/news/latest

Update Latest News

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/news/latest

Create Latest News

DELETE /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/news/latest

Delete Latest News

What's Changed

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}

Retrieve Subscriber


Added: customFields in query

Return custom fields. When this query parameter is not specified in the request, custom fields are not returned.

Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Added property customFields (object)

  • Added property customFieldSet (object)

PUT /subscribers/{subscriberUid}

Update Subscriber

  • Added property customFields (object)
Return Type:

Changed response : 200 OK


  • Added property customFields (object)

  • Added property customFieldSet (object)

POST /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/subscriptions/{subscriptionUid}/orders

Create CreateOrder

Return Type:

Changed response : 201 Created

Successful CREATE

  • Changed property suppliers (object)

    • Changed property supplier (object)

      • Changed property shippingMode (object)

        Mandatory when the Supplier is associated with a shipping process, otherwise forbidden.

        Note: Upfront price and tax are the vendor shipping price

        • Added property b2bUpfrontPriceExclTax (number)

        • Added property b2bUpfrontTax (number)

      • Changed property items (object)

        • Changed property item (object)

          • Added property b2bUpfrontPriceExclTax (number)

          • Added property b2bUpfrontTax (number)

GET /subscribers/{subscriberUid}/users

Retrieve Users


Added: query in query

Search users with a firstName or lastName or email containing the provided term (prefix match).

Release 4.3


Following web service is updated:

  • R /subscribers/\{subscriberUid\}/modules
Attribute nameXSD typeResp.Description
briefs[]/indexintegerOModule index
If the index is > 0: the Module TAB must be displayed to the right of SMP TABs.
If the index is < 0: the Module TAB must be displayed to the left of SMP TABs.
Then Module TABs are sorted relatively to their indexes: a Module with a greater index is displayed to the right.
Modules without index are displayed to the right and sorted by "name" (lexicographic order).

Release 4.2


Following web service is updated:

  • R /subscribers/\{subscriberUid\}/orders

Results are ordered by timestamp then "ID" ( REVERSE lexicographic order).

Optional query parameters

updatedAfterdateReturns Orders where the current timestamp >= updatedAfter


Following web services are updated:

  • R /subscribers/\{subscriberUid\}/users
Attribute nameXSD typeResp.Description
briefs/brief[]/lastConnection → NEWdateTimeM
briefs/brief[]/userState → NEWstring (enumeration)MState of the User.(PENDING, ACCEPTED, LOCKED)
  • C /subscribers/\{subscriberUid\}/users
Attribute nameXSD typeCreateResp.Description
mobilePhone → NEWstringOO
officePhone → NEWstringOO
homePhone → NEWstringOO

Release 4.1


Following web service is updated:

  • R /subscribers/\{subscriberUid\}/processes/\{processUid\}
Attribute nameXSD typeResp.Description
inputContext → UPDATEDJSONOInput context injected in the process instance.


Following web service is updated:

  • R /subscribers/\{subscriberUid\}/processes/\{processUid\}/tasks/\{taskUid\}
Attribute nameXSD typeResp.Description
initialOutputContext → DELETEDJSONMOutput context when the task has been created.
finalOutputContext → DELETEDJSONOOutput context when the task has been completed.
assignedTo ("userTask" only) → DELETEDstringOFirst name and last name of the manager that complete the task.
claimingDate ("userTask" only) → DELETEDdateTimeOClaim timestamp.
bpmGroupName ("userTask" only) → DELETEDstring0BPM group name.
formResultData ("userTask" only) → DELETEDstringOFrom result injected in the task.