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Release 8.0


LRC to Application Server Tunnel Interface

New field is added:

  • PayloadEncryption: Encryption status of the reported LoRaWAN® payload:
    • 0 = the payload reported in payload_hex is in clear text.
    • 1 = the payload reported in payload_hex is encrypted with the device's AppSKey.

Release 7.3


LRC to Application Server Tunnel Interface

The uplink frame report is enhanced when the packet is routed through a relay:

  • Lrrid and Lrrs.Lrr.Lrrid: virtual LRR ID allocated to the relay by the LRC
  • Relayid and Lrrs.Lrr.Relayid: DevEUI of the relay
  • LrrLAT and LrrLON: not set
  • LrrESP, LrrRSSI and LrrSNR: ESP/RSSI/SNR measured by the relay
  • BaseStationData: not set

The downlink frame sent report is enhanced when the packet is routed through a relay:

  • Lrrid: virtual LRR ID allocated to the relay by the LRC
  • Relayid: DevEUI of the relay
  • DeliveryFailedCause4: new field to specify the failure cause on RXR
  • TransmissionSlot: new value 4 (RXR)
  • BaseStationData: not set


LRC to Application Server Tunnel Interface

New field is added:

  • LostUplinksAS: Number of uplink frames lost since the reporting of the previous uplink frame for the same device:
    • When >0: some uplink frames have been lost and the field provides the number of those uplink frames
    • When 0: no uplink frames have been lost
    • When <0: some lost uplink frames have been received late and the field provides the negative number of those uplink frames


LRC to Application Server Tunnel Interface

New field is added:

  • MaxWaitASResps: Maximum delay in milliseconds for the application server to send a downlink payload on RX1/RX2.

Release 7.2


LRC to Application Server Tunnel Interface

All Reports

CustomerData field is now included in all reports.

The domains associated with the device are reported in CustomerData field.

New field is added:

  • BaseStationData: Base Station properties set by provisioning. Only reported for the best LRR when it belongs to the device's owner. Contains the domains associated with the base station.


LRC to Application Server Tunnel Interface

Added new properties:

  • Lrrs.Lrr.ForwardingNetID: The NetID of the forwarding NS, when a third-party roaming fNS was used to route the packet.
  • Lrrs.Lrr.ForwardingNSID: The NSID of the forwarding NS, when a third-party roaming fNS was used to route the packet using LoRaWAN® BE 1.1.


LRC to Application Server Tunnel Interface

All Reports

The device name is reported in CustomerData field.

The base station name is reported in BaseStationData field.

Release 7.1


LRC to Application Server Tunnel Interface

All Reports

Uplink/Downlink HTTP connectivity: Custom HTTP headers may be defined in the Generic Application configuration. When defined, custom HTTP headers are included in all HTTP requests transmitted by the LRC.


LRC to Application Server Tunnel Interface

Added Semtech basic station failure causes in DeliveryFailedCause1 and DeliveryFailedCause2 fields.


LRC to Application Server Tunnel Interface

Added new failure cause in DeliveryFailedCause3 field:

  • D9: "No eligible LRR found because all have been discarded by the LRC"

Release 7.0


LRC to Application Server Tunnel Interface

Tags associated with the device are reported in the CustomerData field.


LRC to Application Server Tunnel Interface

Multicast Summary Report

New Multicast Summary report


LRC to Application Server Tunnel Interface

Added new properties:

  • Roaming: Indicates the type of roaming, when a third-party roaming fNS was used to route the packet.

    • 1: Passive roaming
    • 2: Handover roaming (not yet implemented)
  • ForwardingNetID: The NetID of the forwarding NS, when a third-party roaming fNS was used to route the packet.

  • ForwardingNSID: The NSID of the forwarding NS, when a third-party roaming fNS was used to route the packet using LoRaWAN® BE 1.1.

Release 6.1

LRC to Application Server Tunnel Interface

The Lrrs field reports up to 10 LRRs which reported the packet before the expiration of the 250 ms deduplication window.

The DevLocTime, DevLAT, DevLON, DevAlt, DevLocRadius, DevAltRadius, DevNorthVel, DevEastVel, DevLocDilution, DevAltDilution and DevUlFCntUpUsed fields report the last known geolocation.

The NwGeolocAlgo and NwGeolocAlgoUsed fields provide information about the algorithm used to compute the network geolocation.

The DriverCfg field reports the metadata for driver selection.

The LrrESP field reports the ESP measured by the best LRR.

Applicative payloads smaller than or equal to the DummyPayloadMaxSize value configured in the Device Profile are not reported.

An uplink packet is reported to the Application Server when it toggles the Class B state of the device

Location Report

New Location report

Application Server to LRC Tunnel Interface

An API v2 implementing new HTTP response codes is available.

Payload and FPort query parameters are optional when the FlushDownlinkQueue query parameter is set to 1: in this case no downlink payload is inserted in the AS downlink queue of the device after the purge.

A new Downlink Frame HTTP response code is returned when the downlink token bucket limit is reached and the DROP strategy is used:

  • API v1: 350 "Token bucket limit reached"

  • API v2: 409 {"code":121,"message":"Token bucket limit reached"}

FPort value 225 is allowed.

Release 6.0

LRC to Application Server Tunnel Interface

The DynamicClass field reports the LoRaWAN® class currently used by the Device.

The ClassBPeriodicity field reports the Class B periodicity in seconds requested by the device.

The Frequency field reports the frequency in MHz of the radio channel used to receive the frame.

The TransmissionSlot field reports the slot used for downlink frame transmission.

The DeliveryFailedCause3 field provides information about the downlink delivery status on ping slot for Class B devices.

The CorrelationID field is an identifier used to correlate the downlink frame sent report with the unicast downlink frame previously submitted.

The Frequency field reports the frequency in MHz of the radio channel used to send the frame.

Notification Report

Added new Notification report.

Application Server to LRC Tunnel Interface

The CorrelationID query parameter is an identifier used to correlate the downlink frame with the associated downlink frame sent report or multicast summary reports.

Added new Downlink Frame HTTP response code: 350 "Invalid CorrelationID. Must be a 64 bits hexadecimal value encoded as string".

Updated Downlink Frame HTTP response code: 350 "Invalid LoRa port".

Release 5.2.2

LRC to Application Server Tunnel Interface

New A5 delivery failed cause for radio board error.

Release 5.1

LRC to Application Server Tunnel Interface

The ConfAFCntDn field reports the applicative downlink counter CONFIRMED by the device when LoRaWAN® 1.1 is used.

The AFCntDn field reports the applicative downlink counter to be used for the next downlink frame when LoRaWAN® 1.1 is used.

The TxPower field reports the transmission conductive power or EIRP of the device.

The NbTrans field reports the number of transmissions for each uplink message computed by the LRC.

The AFCntDn field reports the applicative downlink counter for this packet when LoRaWAN® 1.1 is used.

Application Server to LRC Tunnel Interface

The AFCntDn query parameter provides the applicative downlink counter to be used for the downlink frame when the application server encrypts the payload and LoRaWAN® 1.1 is used.

Release 5.0

LRC to Application Server Tunnel Interface

The Lrrid XML element now reports the ID of the LRR that received the packet with the best SNR.

The Lrrs XML element now reports 3 LRRs which received the packet with the best SNR.

New DC delivery failed cause for No GPS-synchronized LRR detected by the LRC.

New DD delivery failed cause for No LRR connected detected by the LRC.

New DE delivery failed cause for DC not allowed by the peering operator.

Application Server to LRC Tunnel Interface

New HTTP response codes.

Release 4.3

LRC to Application Server Tunnel Interface

New DB delivery failed cause for max downlink dwell time check. Max downlink dwell time is defined per RF Region in the LoRaWAN® specification.