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Alarms can be retrieved via the following endpoints:

  • GET /partners/mine/bss/alarms
  • GET /partners/mine/bss/alarms/histories
  • GET /partners/mine/bss/{bsUid}/alarms
  • GET /partners/mine/bss/{bsUid}/alarms/histories

Each alarm is identified by a numeric identifier (ID), an optional index (index) and may be associated with additional information elements (addInfo, addInfo2, addInfo3, addInfo4 and addInfo5).

An alarm is associated with a state (state) that define if the alarm is cleared (1) or uncleared (2-6). When the alarm is uncleared this state provides the severity. Possible values are:

  • 1: CLEARED
  • 3: WARNING
  • 4: MINOR
  • 5: MAJOR

The following sections list all possible alarms:

  • The numeric identifier is specified in the title before the name of the alarm.
  • The meaning of the index is specified when applicable.
  • The meaning of the additional information elements is specified for uncleared states (INDETERMINATE, WARNING, MINOR, MAJOR, CRITICAL) and for cleared state.

System alarms

Alarm 101: LRR software restarted by watchdog

No index for this alarm.

Additional information elements for all states:

  • addInfo: epoch time in milliseconds of the LRR software restart

Alarm 102: Base station connection status

No index for this alarm.

Uncleared states

No additional information elements.

Cleared state

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo: duration in minutes between the creation and the clearance of the alarm

Alarm 106: Unusually high CPU usage level

No index for this alarm.

Uncleared states

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo2: average CPU usage in percentage during the last hour

Cleared state

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo: duration in minutes between the creation and the clearance of the alarm
  • addInfo2: average CPU during the last hour

Alarm 107: Unusually high RAM usage level

No index for this alarm.

Uncleared states

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo2: average RAM usage in percentage during the last hour

Cleared state

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo: duration in minutes between the creation and the clearance of the alarm
  • addInfo2: average RAM usage in percentage during the last hour

Alarm 108: Unusually high file system usage level

Index: numeric identifier of the filesystem partition for which the alarm is raised.

Uncleared states

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo2: average file system usage in percentage during the last hour

Cleared state

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo: duration in minutes between the creation and the clearance of the alarm
  • addInfo2: average file system usage in percentage during the last hour

Alarm 109: Time synchronization lost

No index for this alarm.

Uncleared states

No additional information elements.

Cleared state

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo: duration in minutes between the creation and the clearance of the alarm

Alarm 110: Power failure detected

No index for this alarm.

Uncleared states

No additional information elements.

Cleared state

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo: duration in minutes between the creation and the clearance of the alarm

Alarm 112: Abnormal log activation

No index for this alarm.

Uncleared states

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo: log level
  • addInfo2: epoch time in seconds of the log activation

Cleared state

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo: log level

Alarm 121: Backhaul network interface status

Index: numeric identifier of the backhaul network interface for which the alarm is raised.

Uncleared states

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo: interface name

Cleared state

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo: 1 if the interface exists or 0 if the interface does not exist anymore
  • addInfo2: interface name if the interface exists or interface numeric identifier if the interface does not exist anymore
  • addInfo3: duration in minutes between the creation and the clearance of the alarm (only if the interface exists)

Alarm 122: GPS lock failure detected

No index for this alarm.

Uncleared states

No additional information elements.

Cleared state

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo: duration in minutes between the creation and the clearance of the alarm

RF cell alarms

No index for this alarm.

Additional information elements for all states:

  • addInfo: duration in hours without uplink activity

No index for this alarm.

Additional information elements for all states:

  • addInfo: number of invalid uplink frames during the last 4 hours (DEPRECATED)
  • addInfo2: percentage of invalid uplink frames during the last 4 hours

No index for this alarm.

Additional information elements for all states:

  • addInfo: number of dropped downlink frames during the last hour (DEPRECATED)
  • addInfo2: percentage of dropped downlink frames during the last hour

Alarm 111: Beacon transmission failure

No index for this alarm.

Uncleared states

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo: last beacon delivery failure cause (DEPRECATED)
  • addInfo2: percentage of beacon failures on the last hour

Cleared state

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo2: percentage of beacon failures on the last hour

Alarm 113: Join request replay detected (DevNonce replay)

No index for this alarm.

Uncleared states

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo: DevEUI value (hexadecimal string)
  • addInfo2: DevNonce value (hexadecimal string)

Cleared state

No additional information elements.

Alarm 114: Wrong MIC detected in Join request

No index for this alarm.

Uncleared states

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo: DevEUI value (hexadecimal string)
  • addInfo2: AppEUI/JoinEUI value (hexadecimal string)

Cleared state

No additional information elements.

Alarm 115: Join request replay detected (wrong MIC correlation)

No index for this alarm.

Uncleared states

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo: DevEUI value (hexadecimal string)
  • addInfo2: DevNonce value (hexadecimal string)

Cleared state

No additional information elements.

No index for this alarm.

Uncleared states

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo: DevEUI value (hexadecimal string)
  • addInfo2: FCntUp value

Cleared state

No additional information elements.

No index for this alarm.

Uncleared states

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo: DevAddr value (hexadecimal string)

Cleared state

No additional information elements.

No index for this alarm.

Uncleared states

Additional information elements:

  • addInfo: DevEUI value (hexadecimal string)
  • addInfo2: FCntUp value
  • addInfo3: Number of uplink frame transmissions
  • addInfo4: Duration in seconds between the first uplink frame reception and the last reception

Cleared state

No additional information elements.

Alarm 119: Invalid AppEUI detected in Join request

No index for this alarm.

Additional information elements for all states:

  • addInfo: DevEUI value (hexadecimal string)
  • addInfo2: AppEUI/JoinEUI value (hexadecimal string)

Alarm 120: Join request replay detected (invalid DevNonce)

No index for this alarm.

Additional information elements for all states:

  • addInfo: DevEUI value (hexadecimal string)
  • addInfo2: AppEUI/JoinEUI value (hexadecimal string)
  • addInfo3: DevNonce value (hexadecimal string)