TAO CLI support commands
ThingPark All in One provides a set of remote command for common tasks. They can be executed remotely through SSH, using the support account.
Commands on the TAO server
Service management
ThingPark provides standard start, stop, restart and status commands for the main services.
ssh support@<gw-ip> service [lrr|lrc|mqtt|tao|node-red] [start|stop|restart|status]
Password management
ThingPark allows changing the password of the support and Node-RED accounts.
ssh support@<gw-ip> set [support-password|node-red-password] <password>
MQTT password management
ThingPark provides a single MQTT user (not a linux account), this is the 'tao' user. The password for this account can be changed through Node-RED but a remote command is also provided.
If you decide to change its password, you must reconfigure your 'MQTT in' and 'MQTT out' nodes to use the new password.
ssh support@<gw-ip> set [mqtt-password] <password>
Commands on the remote gateways
Master IP management
The installation of a remote gateway requires providing the IP address of the TAO server, which is the master gateway of your multi-gateway deployment. However, it is possible to change this address after the installation. This requires connecting to the remote gateway with the support account and executing the following command:
ssh support@<gw-ip> set master-ip <ip>
Service management
ThingPark provides standard start, stop, restart and status commands for the main services running on the remote gateways.
ssh support@<gw-ip> service [lrr|tao] [start|stop|restart|status]
Password management
ThingPark remote gateway configuration is mostly provided through the support account. The password for this account can be changed:
ssh support@<gw-ip> set support-password <password>