Release notes
Version : 2.2.1
New Features
- RDTP-24180: Update device and driver catalogs
- Update the Device Profile catalog to version 7.28.0 and the Driver catalog to version 3.18.0.
Fixed Bugs
- None
Version : 2.2.0
New Features
RDTP-23928: Simplified UI/UX for basic BACnet, ModBus management
- Dataflows page has been introduced.
RDTP-23982: Update device and driver catalogs
- Update the Device Profile catalog to version 7.26.0 and the Driver catalog to version 3.17.0.
Upgrade LRR to 2.8.67 for Tektelic Kona Micro gateways.
Fixed Bugs
- None
Version : 2.1.1
New Features
RDTP-23621: Support Tektelic Kona Micro gateways.
- LRR 2.8.60
RDTP-23138: Enhanced support of the BACNet protocol:
- BACnet server configuration has been enriched.
- Object mapping configuration has been improved.
- Object storage management: clear all objects, csv export of current objects, csv import of custom mapping.
Fixed Bugs
RDTP-23741: GUI stays stuck on the RF Region selection page on first boot when the URL contains device selection
RDTP-23740: Device rejoin fails after changing its model
Version : 2.1.0
New Features
RDTP-23016: Multi-language support: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian and Japanese.
RDTP-23136 : Support of KerOS 5.11.0 for all Kerlink models, together with LRR version 2.8.54.
RDTP-23621: Support Tektelic Kona Micro gateways.
RDTP-23138: Enhanced support of the BACNet protocol:
- Open udp 47808 to 47823
- Add ontology in node-red-contrib-acy-uplink-downlink
- bacnet-sample.js added in Actility library. To learn more, see BacNet flow.
RDTP-22500: Enhanced integration with Modbus protocol:
- node-red @node-red/library-file-store component added to manage Actility library
- node-red/library/flows folder added as repository
- modbus-sample.js added in Actility library. To learn more, see Modbus flow.
RDTP-22791: Allow changing TAO server's IP address after initial installation. The update procedure is described in Changing the TAO server IP address on remote gateways.
New CLI commands, accessible with the support account. To learn more, see TAO CLI support commands.
Update the Device Profile catalog to version 7.17.1 and the Driver catalog to version 3.12.1.
Fixed Bugs
- fcpico | fcloc: backup failed for specific firmwares: tar: /etc/usbkey.txt: No such file or directory
- RDTP-21565: Ensure *_Quick element should be skipped in TAO export, by updating the RmvAttrMinB into the lrc.ini
Version : 2.0.1
New Features
- None
Fixed Bugs
- RDTP-23008: TAO on Kerlink iFemtocell is missing some library files
- Same correction for all gateways supporting keros 4.3.3 and LRC 1.26.13
Version : 2.0.0
New Features
RDTP-21200: Support Multi-gateway architecture, with up to four remote gateways.
RDTP-21655 : Enhanced backup procedure:
- Add ability to perform data-only backup.
- These backups can be started from Node-RED or any tools using the new api-key URL available in the GUI.
Fixed Bugs
- None